Mayan Horoscope

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on March 20, 2005). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

I may not believe in Astrology, but that doesn’t mean it’s not occasionally interesting. Nitallica posted a Mayan Horoscope, which I’d never seen before. Where I’m apparently fairly bull-headed in both the standard Zodiac (Taurus) and Chinese (Ox), according to the Mayans, I’m a Serpent.

  • 27 July – 22 August: Murcielago (Bat)
  • 23 August – 19 September: Alacrán (Scorpion)
  • 20 September – 17 October: Venado (Deer/Stag)
  • 18 October – 14 November: Lechuza (Owl)
  • 15 November – 12 December: Pavo Real (Peacock or Turkey)
  • 13 December – 10 January: Lagarto (Lizard)
  • 11 January – 6 February: Mono (Monkey)
  • 7 February – 6 March: Halcón (Falcon)
  • 7 March – 3 April: Jaguar
  • 4 April – 1 May: Zorro (Fox)
  • 2 May – 29 May: Serpiente (Snake)
  • 30 May – 26 June: Ardilla (Squirrel)
  • 27 June – 26 July: Tortuga (Turtle/Tortoise)

The Moon of the Snake – La Luna de la Serpiente
2 May – 29 May

This animal comes across in the collection of Mayan animals in the same fashion as that of the fox. It doesn’t have any of the negative connotations that has been given to it in the West. Quite the opposite, it represents the redemptive spirit that illuminates the mind. They like to live well, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a strict and unwavering ethical code. Always refined and exquisite, the snake won’t give its love to just anyone. It is very intelligent and convenient to have it as a friend rather than as a dangerous rival.

(The rest of the descriptions are behind the cut…)

Here’s the full list of signs:

  • The Moon of the Bat – La Luna de la Murcielago
    27 July – 22 August

    This is the sign of heroes, but also the sign of those who act in an ignorant or unknowing manner. These peoples are always driven by an idea of justice and they have an eagerness to be a leader, owing to their ability to garner respect in any situation. They have an innate religious sentiment that compels them to leap into spiritual matters. They complete whatever they start out to do, and no matter how much they might attempt do things in the opposite way, they always end up in the center of any gathering. They stand out in their great capacity for conducting business.

  • The Moon of the Scorpion – La Luna de la Alacrán
    23 August – 19 September

    His (or her) great intelligence is one of the most characteristic traits of this sign, something which begins to be noticed from the most tender years of childhood. The Scorpion also possesses an excellent memory, which is as much a good thing as it is a bad thing, and although it is not negative, this is the one who will never forget an offense (or affront). He (or she) is jealous of his or her privacy and private life, so at times their best qualities remain hidden or covered up on account of their shyness. In spite of all of that, they are full of good feelings and they are happy to lend a helping hand to others.

  • The Moon of the Deer – La Luna del Venado
    20 September – 17 October

    One of the main features of the Deer is its power of seduction. People that belong to it have been born under the sign of beauty, and although physically some of their members are not so blessed (in their beauty), all radiate an irresistible aura. They are presumptuous (arrogant), creative, and unpunctual (untimely). They possess a great imagination and they dominate as well as anybody in the art of conversation. They need to be treated with a lot of affection, especially during childhood and, on the other hand, they detest discussions.

  • The Moon of the Owl – La Luna de la Lechuza
    18 October – 14 November

    The owl, a nocturnal and mysterious animal, is the most magical and profound sign in the whole Mayan horoscope. It possesses a special capacity to make the subconscious appear out of others, as well as to find things, people and lost or forgotten ideas. It also has a great sense for all the mystical and mysterious. Its main virtue is that its intuition will rarely fail them. When beginning a relationship, they can seem shy in that situation, but they open up completely when being loved.

  • The Moon of the Peacock (Turkey) – La Luna del Pavo Real
    15 November – 12 December

    The brilliant plumage of its tail reveals everything: the Peacock has been born to shine and to shine with its own brillance in society. Original and creative, they are found to be impossible to pass by unnoticed. In love, as much as the man as the woman, they stand out to be very passionate and they have a great capacity and deliverance In the workplace they demonstrate a very competitive nature and since their most tender childhood, they will want to be the best in everything. This sign usually signifes one that is a giver and it produces very good actors.

  • The Moon of the Lizard – La Luna del Lagarto
    13 December – 10 January

    It changes (the color of) its skin at an instant. In this sense, the native of this sign is the same as the animal that is represented. Its personality is difficult to describe, in view of the fact that a single type of lizard type doesn’t exist, but there are many different kinds. We should keep in mind that its main quality is the one of being able to adapt to the environment. But no one should be deceived, because these people don’t have any kind of falsehoods nor do they have a hypocritical nature. On the contrary, they possess a heart of gold and they are very generous and even innocent.

  • The Moon of the Monkey – La Luna del Mono
    11 January – 6 February

    They possess a strength and physical resistance that is bomb-proof (iron-clad). He or she likes challenges and they have a soul of a Don Quijote. They are open people, of positive mentality and with a great sense of humor, although on occasions the jokes and comments are somewhat difficult for them to understand. In the workplace, they always want to let loose their imagination and to feel a certain amount of freedom. The monkey is full of (good) qualities, but if (the monkey) doesn’t walk in a careful manner, his or her edginess can be harmful.

  • The Moon of the Falcon – La Luna del Halcón
    7 February – 6 March

    A sacred animal to the Mayans, it was considered that people born under its moon enjoyed exceptionally good luck all of his or her life. It was also said that, in having one of these, for the family it was a blessing for every member. Its character is strong and it has a very big ambition. Its sense of duty and responsibility are beyond all doubt, with the result that they worry too much about others. They have been born to lead and they hate to be given orders.

  • The Moon of the Jaguar – La Luna del Jaguar
    7 March – 3 April

    If anything is clear, the jaguars have their own ideas. In every moment and from a very early age, they know what they want and how to get it. Their main virtue is the passion that they put into everything. Which can also end up becoming a defect and cause them to lose opportunities. Another problem which they might face often in their lives originates from a desire of freedom, but they possess an innate sense of the justice such that they always find themselves in support of the weaker ones.

  • The Moon of the Fox – La Luna del Zorro
    4 April – 1 May

    They possess a heart of gold and they have some of the purest of intentions as (found in) few other signs. And it is such that in the Mayan culture, this animal was not astute and malicious as in our cultures, but diligent(watchful), ingenious and with a magnificent intuition. The second characteristic that defines those who are born under this sign is discretion. They will escape from the center of attention (the spotlight) and they are evolve or grow better in the shadows. His or her place is the secondary plane, and it is not because they don’t deserve to be first, but because they prefer their anonimity.

  • The Moon of the Snake – La Luna de la Serpiente
    2 May – 29 May

    This animal comes across in the collection of Mayan animals in the same fashion as that of the fox. It doesn’t have any of the negative connotations that has been given to it in the West. Quite the opposite, it represents the redemptive spirit that illuminates the mind. They like to live well, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a strict and unwavering ethical code. Always refined and exquisite, the snake won’t give its love to just anyone. It is very intelligent and convenient to have it as a friend rather than as a dangerous rival.

  • The Moon of the Squirrel – La Luna de la Ardilla
    30 May – 26 June

    Talkative and having vivacious eyes, the squirrel never needs to come up with brilliant ideas in order to move forward. Its trait, most certainly, is in the (art of) communication. Very social since childhood, they can become excellent public relations professionals, including any other kind of work which implies direct contact with people. They value friendship above everything else and they usually take up an intense social life. Among its defects, it is frequently having a change of opinion and it allows itself to get carried away with its fantasies.

  • The Moon of the Tortoise – La Luna de la Tortuga
    27 June – 26 July

    Whoever knows the fable of the hare and the tortoise will understand the wisdom very well, based on an infinite patience which the Mayan assigned to people born in this period, it is very difficult to alter somebody coming from this sign, but if so, when it does happen, the best thing is to give yourself hundred of kilometers of distance in between, because its anger can be terrible. They get all that they are determined to do without a hurry, without having to pause. They know that this is their best trait, and they very much adore their home and habitation.

19 thoughts on “Mayan Horoscope”

  1. I think the Mayans were late descendents of a very old and technologicaly developed civilisation which dissapeared from the face of the earth a very long time ago… the people of Atlantis maybe…who were in great danger and needed their knowledge to be passed on….maybe…in my opinion….

  2. hey wat up??
    thank u so much for being intersted on the mayans. i myself was born in guatemala and have mayan blood. it is a beautifull culture that will never die.i think is time for people all over to start recognizing some of the mayans ways of anyother ancient culture it is the only way to survive.i encourage anyone to learn and learn more about my ancestors . go to guatemala if u like is beautifull

  3. hey wat up??
    thank u so much for being intersted on the mayans. i myself was born in guatemala and have mayan blood. it is a beautifull culture that will never die.i think is time for people all over to start recognizing some of the mayans ways of anyother ancient culture it is the only way to survive.i encourage anyone to learn and learn more about my ancestors . go to guatemala if u like is beautifull

  4. Mayans know a persons type by knowing what exact time in space you were born. Then your traits fortell your essence/purpose. The one you hae on top is extremely general and is hard to pinpoint it to anyone. You can learn more about mayans and yourself at

    Hun Imix

  5. I’m trying to find out how the Mayans calculate their horescopes to predict your fortune for a give day. Does anyone have any idea?

  6. research the mayans.
    have for a little while now.
    they are very acurate (with predictions, horoscopes and so on) in my opinion.

  7. Hey, Mayan astrology is a little more complicated then this. This is just the moon symbol. There’s also a tone, a solar seal and a plasma seal. You know this right?

  8. I don’t get astrology.
    What are you trying to predict: What type of person you are? I can tell you what type of person I am. It’s not that difficult, right? I don’t need to predict anything to determine that I’m a loser. You just say “Am I smart? Am I a supermodel? Am I tall?” The answer is probably “No, no and no.”
    I mean, why do I need an ancient occult technology to tell me that ‘In the workplace I have a competitive nature’? Which I don’t.

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