Hit the showers, Harry!

This entry was published at least two years ago (originally posted on August 3, 2003). Since that time the information may have become outdated or my beliefs may have changed (in general, assume a more open and liberal current viewpoint). A fuller disclaimer is available.

From iChat tonight:

D: Oh, to find Harry in some real hot water

I’m up to page 500 in book five. Maybe there’s a cleansing wash at the end but by now we’ve had five volumes, almost 2500 pages, and more than two dozen references to Harry’s morning and bedtime routines with no shower, bath or even wash included.

Michael Hanscom: must’ve been a slow news day

D: funny, though

Michael Hanscom: yeah
Michael Hanscom: though i’m not sure what the reaction would be if she started including shower scenes in the Potter books


Michael Hanscom: “Harry woke up, stumbled naked into the Gryffendor community lavatory, and sleepily started soaping himself up.”
Michael Hanscom: “‘Do you really need that much lather down there, Harry?’ Hermione asked as she stepped into the shower and dropped her towel.”
Michael Hanscom: Somehow, I don’t think the parents would approve.

D: hahahaha

Of course, now I’m going to start showing up in searches for all sorts of disturbing Harry Potter slash fanfic. Joy.

3 thoughts on “Hit the showers, Harry!”

  1. For the record, Harry takes a bath in book four, while he’s trying to figure out the secret of the golden egg. (I remember ’cause I want the bath tub!) But you’re right–one bath in five years isn’t a whole lot!

  2. I just finished Book 5 last night. Kevin was going to sent it to Emily, but she was afraid it would not get to Ghana in time. Other than too much adolescent angst [“O.K. I get it!”], it was fine.

    Perhaps Hogwarts is in Somerset, so the residents can all visit Bath.

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